首页 zuq 周一到周日的英文图片,周一到周日的英文缩写



– Monday: Mon.

– Tuesday: Tues. or Tue.

– Wednesday: Wed.

– Thursday: Thurs. or Thur.

– Friday: Fri.

– Saturday: Sat.

– Sunday: Sun.

这些缩写可以在日常生活或工作中用于书写或口语交流中,特别是在时间约定或日程安排中常常会用到。例如,我们可以说:“Let\’s meet on Fri. at 2 pm.”(让我们在周五下午两点见面)。



Monday: Mon.

Tuesday: Tues.

Wednesday: Wed.

Thursday: Thurs.

Friday: Fri.

Saturday: Sat.

Sunday: Sun.

In English, the days of the week are commonly abbreviated to make them easier to write and say. The abbreviations are most commonly used in schedules, calendars, and other types of documentation where space is limited.

The abbreviations for Monday through Friday are pretty straightforward, with the first three letters of each day’s name being used. Saturday and Sunday, however, have their own abbreviations: Sat. and Sun.

It’s important to note that the abbreviations for the days of the week are usually used in conjunction with a specific date. For example, “I’ll be there on Monday” might be shortened to “I’ll be there Mon.” if it’s in a schedule or calendar.

Knowing these common English abbreviations can be helpful for international communication and travel, as well as for business and personal use.

关于作者: 笨笨熊
